Finblake Network connects chartered accountants, auditors and lawyers, professionals from finance, innovative companies, high-tech sector and international trading.
The project arises in 2007, in South Africa, from the meeting of professionals of manifold nationalities, who now contribute to the growth of their respective countries. The Network expands over the years, it is enriched by experience and ideas in the common vision of a future of sustainable growth. A team of competences and values, which can see and bring “a world in a grain of sand”.

Mission and Values
Finblake develops entrepreneurial projects, from the formulation of the idea to the phase of international expansion, providing innovative entrepreneurs with a network of professionals, in order to

  • foster products and processes in partnership with companies, research centres and national and international incubators

  • bring technological innovation

  • build business plans and financial plans

  • raise finance, grants and subsidies

  • comply with national and international tax obligations

  • expand the business abroad.

Finblake professionals share a Charter of Values, which defines commitments and responsibilities to ensure fairness in relationships and efficacy in actions. The Network upholds clarity of information aimed at awareness and common growth.

Ethical Code